Temukan PeringkatTeratas Sistem Hotel Manajemen Berbasis Cloud

WINCLOUD, solusi yangmudah digunakan untuk memaksimalkan operasional hotel Anda. Penerapan yangcepat untuk mempermudah dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan yang dapat membantupeningkatan pendapatan yang signifikan.

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Multi-property PMS

Apa Keunikan dariSistem Kami ?

Semua yang andaperlukan untuk bisnis hotel anda ada di dalam satu sistem.

Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 23 tahunmenyediakan software sistem untuk solusi bisnis hotel dan resorts, kamimenyediakan Properti Manajemen Sistem yang mudah dioperasionalkan sebagaisolusi yang lengkap, efektif dan efisien dalam mengatur operasional bisnishotel anda.

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Multi-property PMS

A Hassle-free Front Desk Management Software

Menu terbaik layanan front office moduluntuk memaksimalkan operasional dan membuat tamu puas dengan layanan staff anda

Pelajari sepenuhnya …
Multi-property PMS

Elevate Your Food and Beverage Operations with our Advanced Point of Sale System

Tingkatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkandengan modul yang dapat digunakan mulai dari melayani tagihan tamu, penambahanlayanan dan menjamin keamanan data

Pelajari sepenuhnya …
Multi-property PMS

Gain Instant Access to Real-Time Financial Data with our Financial Accounting Solution

Dengan kinerja yangkomprehensif dan didukung oleh analisis data dari satu atau beberapa propertidapat membantu membuat keputusan bisnis yang tepat

Pelajari sepenuhnya …
Multi-property PMS

Take Banquet Management to New Heights with our Intuitive Feature Set

Dirancang untuk mengetahui berbagai aspekuntuk membantu Anda merencanakan dan mengkoordinasikan tim banquet secaraefektif dan efisien.

Pelajari sepenuhnya …
Multi-property PMS

Optimize Purchasing and Inventory with Technology-Driven Solutions

Dengan informasi terkini, memastikanketepatan dalam penggunaan, pemesanan ulang persediaan yang tepat waktu danmembatasi pengeluaran yang tidak diperlukan

Pelajari sepenuhnya …
managed rooms
years of industry experience
customer support
managed rooms
years of industry experience
IntegratedChannel Managers
customer support


WINCLOUD PMS provides all these and more!

Wincloudpms integrations

Seamless Integrations

WINCLOUD PMS integrates with popular third-party hotel systems enabling you to stay connected throughout your operational workflow. We support 250+ hardware and software interfaces, including channel managers, booking engines, and key cards.

End-to-End Report in PMS

Detailed Reporting

Each module is designed to provide detailed reports, analysis, and audit trails to ensure that you have a comprehensive view of your entire operations. In addition, we have 300+ reporting combinations available to choose from based on your need.

Cost Effictive Automation with PMS

Cost-effective Automation

WINCLOUD PMS saves 120+ hours of manual data entry and report generation, which increases staff productivity by 30%. Our PMS also captures guest data with 50% more accuracy and enables a 100% contactless guest experience.

Automate Operation

Configurable and Scalable

Built on cutting-edge technology infrastructure, WINCLOUD PMS is designed to automate operations of properties of all sizes. Use what you need and only pay for what you use. ERP in software provides solutions that help businesses manage operations more easily and boost growth.


Wincloud PMS solutions for Group Properties

A porche hotel


Hotel groups

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

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A porche hotel


Hotel groups

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

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A porche hotel


Hotel groups

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

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A porche hotel


Hotel groups

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.

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WINCLOUD serves multiple types of properties

Hotel PMS


Resorts PMS


Apartments PMS


Guest Houses PMS

guest houses

Motels PMS


Multi-property PMS


WINCLOUD PMS Solutions for Groups and Chains

We help you digitize all your group property operations and offer you boundless growth through our cutting-edge scalable solutions.

Learn more


Access exclusive partner privileges and pricing on WINCLOUD

Take a look at some of the partner privileges available with WINCLOUD

Dedicated account manager PMS
Dedicated account manager
Quick enrolment PMS
Quick enrolment
Exclusive discounts PMS
Exclusive discounts
24 x7 support
24 x7 support
Partner with usLearn more
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Pertanyaan yangsering diajukan :

Apa perbedaan PMS lokal dengan PMS berbasiscloud?

PMS lokal dipasang dan digunakan di lokasihotel, sehingga hanya dapat diakses di lokasi hotel. Biaya awal yangdikeluarkan untuk perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, dan tim khusus untukperawatan lebih tinggi. Sebaliknya, PMS berbasis cloud, seperti WinCloud, disimpandalam server jarak jauh, yang dapat diakses melalui Internet dari mana saja.PMS ini menawarkan fleksibilitas, biaya awal yang lebih rendah, dan pembaruanotomatis.

Mengapahotel membutuhkan PMS?

Perangkat lunak PMS (Property ManajemenSistem) adalah alat komprehensif yang digunakan oleh hotel, resort, dan tempatusaha sejenis. Perangkat lunak ini menyederhanakan operasional harian sepertireservasi, check-in dan check-out, manajemen informasi tamu, penagihan danlainya. Perangkat lunak ini dapat menyederhanakan proses, meningkatkanpengalaman tamu, dan mengelola berbagai tugas di tempat secara efisien.

ApakahPMS dan POS hotel berbeda?

PMS hotel adalah solusi perangkat lunakuntuk mengelola operasional hotel di bagian resepsionis dan operasional backoffice seperti inventaris, housekeeping, accounting, dan lain-lain. Sistem POS(point-of-sale) membantu mengelola penjualan, pemesanan, dan pembelian. Denganmodul POS yang terintegrasi ke dalam WinCloud PMS, Anda mendapatkan yangterbaik dari semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengelola properti hotel Anda.

Apayang dilakukan software manajemen hotel berbasis cloud?

Tidak seperti sistem lokal, perangkat lunakmanajemen hotel berbasis cloud dapat dioperasionalkan jarak jauh dan dapatdiakses secara online. Perangkat lunak ini memungkinkan Anda mengelola hotelsecara efisien dan memiliki manfaat tambahan berupa kemudahan akses, pembaruanotomatis, dan hemat biaya. Perangkat lunak ini merupakan pilihan yang tepatuntuk menyederhanakan pemesanan kamar, layanan tamu, penagihan, dan pembuatanlaporan.

Partner Integration

WINCLOUD PMS is robust and provides seamless integration

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the. Lorem Ipsum fisa.

200+ booking channels

All channel connections
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Getting started with WINCLOUD PMS is simple

Take a peek at our 6-step process:


Let’s get rolling

Welcome on-board! Our customer support team will be your guide and start with a kick-off call. Here, they will outline the process, plan for setting-up, and take you through all the support you have.


WinCloud PMS meets your property

In this step, our customer service team will set up an instance  to start applying the appropriate Wincloud solution for your property.


WinCloud Module Configaration

In this step, our expert will help you set-up the appropriate module. They will add all your property details, configure the relevant integrations, train your team, and test to check if everything is working fine.

In this step, our expert will help you set-up the appropriate module. They will add all your property details, configure the relevant integrations, train your team, and test to check if everything is working fine.


Know your Wincloud PMS

In this step, our specialists will train you on all the features of your WinCloud PMS solution. This training will be hands-on to ensure that you are ready to soar. We also provide knowledge sharing and best practices to ensure that our PMS jet sets your property on the growth trajectory.


Testing times!

In this penultimate step, we will do a trial run and also create a transactional user to ensure that the configured solution is primed to deliver its best.


Reach for those clouds with WinCloud PMS

It is time to go live with your Wincloud PMS module, customized and configured to your property’s needs. Our round-the-clock (24/7) support team will be a ping away to help in troubleshooting while your operations are getting streamlined.


Let’s get rolling

Welcome on-board! Our customer support team will be your guide and start with a kick-off call. They will outline the process, plan for setting-up, and take you through all the support and features available.


WINCLOUD PMS visits your property

In this step, our customer service team will set up a base configuration to start applying the appropriate WINCLOUD solution for your property.


WINCLOUD Module Configuration

In this step, our expert will help you set up the chosen module(s). They will add all your property details, configure the relevant partner integrations, train your team, and test the PMS in hotel or other locations to check if everything is working fine.



Our specialists will train you on all the available features of your WINCLOUD PMS solution. This training will be hands-on to ensure that you are ready to soar. We also provide knowledge-sharing and best practices to ensure that our PMS jet-sets your property on the growth trajectory to get the most out of the package.


Testing times!

In this penultimate step, we will do a trial run and also create a transactional user to ensure that the configured solution is primed to deliver its best. Afterwards, you are ready to use our hospital management system for your operations.


Get to know your WINCLOUD PMS

Reach for the clouds with WINCLOUD PMS

Enjoy a plethora of benefits with WINCLOUD PMS, designed for ease of use and customized to suit your needs. We offer 24/7 customer assistance, so expect us to be there to help you out any time, whether it is for troubleshooting any issue you face with our hotel PMS or if you require guidance to get started.

Romeo Bravo Software Announces Acquisition of Winsar Infosoft Pvt Ltd

WINCLOUD Is Now BIR POS and CAS Certified in the Philippines

How Small Hotels Can Embrace Competent Hotel Management with the Right PMS?

Ready to automate your property operations ?

Get in touch with us - we will help you get started on your journey to simplify property management like never before!

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